Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving and Christmas All In One

This sign always makes me laugh
every time we drive by it.

It's a sign
that's in our town.
It always makes me think of
Thanksgiving and Christmas
all in one hit.

But tonight, as Thanksgiving is coming
to a close,
this sign makes me
think of "Caution" and
"Slow down"
before Christmas skips over Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Stressing About Thanksgiving?

If your stressing about
any upcoming holiday,
or just need a good laughter....

Check out the link below.
Warning! Some colorful language
but very funny stuff.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall Wreath

I've had this wreath for a long time.

Each year I bring it out to hang on the front door
and each year I don't.
It has this ugly green plastic
you would see every time from the side
when opening the door.

So I grabbed some ribbon.

I turned the wreath over
and wrapped the ribbon around the
wreath to hide the gross green plastic.

It turned out pretty good,
if I say so myself.

Love it on the front door and
no more green plastic from the side.

But now I can't close the screen door
because the wreath is too thick.
Looks like this wreath is getting
packed up again.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Please And Hold The Crust!

I love pumpkin pie.
So I made a pumpkin pie,
but I had extra filling left
that would not fit in the pie crust
without overflowing.

So I put the extra pie filling
in some ramekins
and baked them in a hot water bath.

They came out great.
Just like pumpkin pie without
the soggy yucky bottom crust.
Top it with some whip cream
and you have a prefect breakfast...
No, I mean dessert, you have the perfect dessert.

I can neither confirm,
or deny if that picture was taken
in the morning,
but that could explain the dark lighting.

P.S.  To my lone four members! Please try the comment section again.  If it still doesn't work, try signing in as a member in the upper right hand corner.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Late Halloween Post

Yes, I know Halloween is over,
and it's been over for a while.

This year I tried really hard to talk the kids
into skipping Halloween.

I promised to get them their
favorite candy and we would
watch a movie and pretend that
we were not home.

Somehow three days before Halloween
they turned against me.

We got some candy and got out the fog machine...
And the kids had fun handy out the candy.

The day before Middlest did
"Trick or Treat for Education"
with her friends
to earn money for her Washington trip.
They were the Three Blind Mice.

Bonus blast from the past...
Fall picture of Oldest and Middlest

An even older picture of Oldest and Middlest,
before Youngest was even born.
Look close and you will see that Middlest
is playing with scissors I left on the steps.

Hey, at least she is not running with them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Breads Are Back!!!!!

Wednesday nights

the Breads are back!

Willie is back.

Si is back.

Jase is back.

Phil is back.

So put on your camo....

grab your Tupperware glass of tea....

and turn the TV to AE.

Of course, if you are

looking for a Halloween costume

there is always this.....

All images from Google

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Store Cards And What To Do

What do you do with all the store reward cards?

I have seen helpful tip articles about this.

I have seen blogs post about this.

I have seen it on Pinterest.

I have been doing this for a long time

but it seems just lately people have been taking notice of this.

I have been getting a lot of comments on this.

They all say "What a great idea!"

These are not charge cards, these are the reward cards stores offer

for discounts and they would not fit in my wallet anymore.

So I took a paper punch and put a hole in the upper

right hand of the card.  Careful not to punch a hole in the scan bar on the back.

Then I put them on a key ring in alphabetic order.

I keep it in the side pocket of my purse

for easy access.