Friday, February 24, 2012

Youngest Valentine Holder

I know Valentine's Day is over

but is cute and makes me laugh.

Youngest made this at school to hold

all his valentines.

Sorry it is on it's side

So let me explain what is going on here.

The four hearts on the side represent the four Houses of Hogworths. Yup. Harry Potter.
There is a black ninga on the bottom cause of course you need a ninga to fight off unwanted valentines right?
On the right side (or top of this picture) is a yellow lego block.
On the left (or bottom) is a M and a backwards L (don't know why the L is backwards)
for Mario & Luigi.
In the center is a H for Hogworths.
And here is the part that makes me smile the most.
It says "Can't catch me".
The first thing thought was like in the Gingerbread Man
"You can't catch me cause I'm the Gingerbread Man"
Maybe Youngest was the Ninga Man running away from all those little girls and their vanlentines!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Milk Glass with Oranges

This is my

Milk glass.

I have a pair of

Flower vase?

Candy dish?

Whatever that is?

These hold my little oranges.


And when I see

them in the kitchen

filled full with those little oranges,

it makes me smile.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Weekend is Coming!

The weekend is HERE!

And it's an extra long one too.

Monday is President's Day

and Hubby and I have the day off

and the kids have school.


So to night

we are starting the weekend off

with these.

Misty Sours

I love extra long weekends.

Hopefully we will get some

things crossed off our "To Do" list.

So here's to you.


Thursday, February 9, 2012


So it's been four long years
of this

Not to mention
a whole lot of

Now it's

And Oldest couldn't be

It's all smiles in our house.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl Commericals

Ok.  The party is over.

So let's talk about the commericals.

 Any favorites?

I loved the M & M party one.
Still makes me laugh.

I loved the Doritos Man's Best Friend one
but after watching it a couple times on the computer to show the kids
it's not as funny as the first time.

I loved the Doritos Bird of Prey one.
I didn't see it Sunday night but viewed it on the computer.
Loved it.
Plus, Youngest thinks he is a bird too sometimes.

Liked the Happy Grad from Chevy
Looks like something that could happen to us in our near future.

Honorable mention goes to the commerical with Jay Leno in the elevator with Madonna.

Hope you enjoyed them.

As for the game....
we talked so much with our friends
that we hardly noticed there was a game on.
We would try to be quiet for the commericals
but to be honest
if they didn't grab our attention right away
then we talked through them too.

I tried to load the commerical up for your viewing pleasure
but was having problems with our computer.
They are all over the internet so
check them out if you want.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday!

So, it's finially here!

Super Bowl Sunday.


are you going to be watching the game


the commercials?

Me?  I like the commercials.

However, I heard this year they are not that great.

We'll have to see.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Guest Writer..

hey everybody!!

I am the oldest kid.(: And guess what after having braces since November 16, 2009 I get them off on Monday!!!!!!!

Have you ever seen the Mayhem commercials..? well if you have the one that always gets stuck in my head is the guy running with pink dumbbells and he says.."I'm a hot babe out jogging" and it really doesn't help that track season is starting and there will be alot of people jogging so lets hope i forget that saying! hahaha. what commercials always get in your head?  

as the youngest would say, "well played" hahaha.

Have a good weekend!! Adios!(:


We woke up

this morning

to this..

and it's still


big wet slushy


This would be a good
time to show you
what Youngest made with my niece...

Isn't he the cutest!


Hubby and Youngest have snuggled
in for a long winters nap.
I would show you pictures but..
there are feet sticking out..
mouths open...
and the noises coming from that side of the house...
Not pretty!

Stay warm!